Friday, September 21, 2007


now what?can anyone get more confused than i am right now?what am i thinking?ofcourse someone can,like the catholic doctor asked to 'take' a patient's life to save him from the throngs of advanced cancer.Said doctor watched his only son,12years only,waste away from said disease.Though doctor longed to ease the boys pain,was willing to incur the wrath of his christian God,wife couldnot let him.I forgot to mention that,said doctor's wife is a staunch believer in God the almighty.Her religion(jehovah's witness)does not allow for blood transfusion.she WILL NOT let said doctor(her husband)put the boy through greater pain,of the eternal kind...Said doctor's wife has only one child,said 12 year old boy on the hospital bed wasting away.And when you are near them,you can smell the acrid smell of can feel it like a rash hell you can almost taste it.It chokes you up and you can barely breathe.looking at them i weep i bowl out...from within of course because i am ashamed that i am confused about when to hand in my course work.I am ashamed because i am complaining about how bright the light is in my room!Can i get more sordid?They pray and i blush.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


lulu allowed me to send the way,she is the phoenix.the one who burns but unlike other phoenixes(plural?)she's taking a while to rise from the proverbial ashes.we are having chicken,yamini says she will blog soon."us guys" are planning to open a joint blog...charlie's angels?straighten out anne?psych ward?ofcourse i would never suggest such weird friends...what can i say?i often believe they missed something in their diets when they were growing up.A certain branch of calcium maybe,something needed to boost the "normal"gene
Speaking of,lulu fought in school...
yamini encouraged the fight....says lulu
yamini denies any knowledge of this....
lulu was someone to be feared...says yamini
and on and on it goes...psych ward may work

Monday, September 17, 2007

This morning

It's raining outside...ok it isn't but i have come up with a superb way of combatting today and days for that matter.I'm making my own day.i know i know people have been telling us to do that since nursery school 'life is what u make it' and all.well,day is what im making its raining outside,im alone in this lab with a hot breakfast dont want me to go there.Burrying my head in the sand,playing make belief?whatever.Its not so bad out there,in the "real world"(i must sound insane)I mean the HEAT,the dust,the noisy classmates,lecturer walked out so,you can imagine...but it is soo much better in here...

Monday, September 3, 2007


don't feel like writing much today...beat.but im all ears